You need to focus and put your interest in learning each lessons being discussed in the class by your Math teacher. Moreover, you have to know the basics of Algebra- Rules of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing unlike sign integers-yes! I'm talking about the negatives and the positives.
ADDITION: Same sign add and keep. Different signs subtract. Follow the sign of the greater number then it will be exact.
a.(+) + (+) = +
b.(+) + (-) = depends
SUBTRACTION: Always change the sign of the minuend and then perform the rules of Addition.
a.(+) - (+) = depends
b.(+) - (-) = +
c.(-) - (-) = depends
d.(-) - (+) = -
1.similar signs will result to a positive
a. (+) × (+) = +
(+) ÷ (+) = +
b. (-) × (-) = +
(-) ÷ (-) = +
2.unlike signs will result to a negative
a.(+) × (-) = -
b.(-) ÷ (+) = -
Build a strong foundation. Master the Math basics and its principles. I'm quite sure you'll end up loving to answer Algebra problems soon, be it computations or word problem analysis. Good luck and just enjoy learning the Algebra.