evidence of number literacy among Filipinos...

Sagot :

        A numerically literate person can manage and respond to the mathematical demands of life.  For example, if one can understand simple mathematical equations such as, 2 + 2 = 4, then one would be considered possessing at least basic numeric knowledge. Filipinos are evidently literate in numbers. This can be seen usually at markets. Vendors, sellers and businessmen at all walks of life are very good at calculating, regardless to their educational attainment.  Most vendors, salesladies and sellers at markets aren’t all college graduates, yet they calculate the exact amount of the items to be paid by their customers with accuracy.
        Another concrete evidence of numerical literacy of  Filipinos is the bagging of awards by the students on Math Expos held abroad. Their ability is called numeracy. Numeracy is the ability to reason and to apply simple numerical concepts. Basic numeracy skills consist of comprehending fundamental arithmetic like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Substantial aspects of numeracy also include number sense, operation sense, computation, measurement, geometry, probability and statistics. Filipino students sent abroad to compete and bring gold medals back to the Philippines is a strong evidence that most Filipinos have numeracy skills.