compound and complex sentences that show problem solution.

A. so they inquired in person. jeepneys can play the roads again.

C. because she knew it was the right thing to do.

D. so anna has to wake up early everyday

E. so he studied harder for the next one

F. if people will not learn to reduce pollution so she had to walk home

J. so he apply sunblock before going to work

H. so father pick him up

I. the government declared them an endangered species

___1.she faced him
___2.the parents can't access the school website
__3.the jeepney drivers requested the government to let them work .
__4.he's a job as a traffic enforcer exposes him too much sunlight for long hours
__5.the school is too far away from home
__6.future generation will suffer
__7.because some animals are going extinct
__8.the baby was crying
__9.he failed the last exam
__10.clear accidentally lost her money .​​