a. CASUAL D. FORMAL C. CONSULTATIVE INTIMATE e. FRZEN 21. This style remains unchanged or rarely change in time and is intended to be remembered and used in every formal setting such as church itual and speech for state ceremony 22. A professional or mutually acceptable language that is used in semi-formal communicative situations like negotiating with strangers or colleagues small group discussion conversation in schoois companies or ora: nizations. 23. This communication is used in giving information. It uses iormal words and expressions that are mostly seen in writing than in speaking. Examples of which are, announcements. SONA (State of the Nation Address), valediciory speech oration and eulogy 24. This style is common among peers and friends. This includes argon, siang and other vernacular languages. In addition, it can occur in any communicative setting where an informal atmosphere is desired 25 This style is used in private talks between persons with very cose relationships like couples, family and friends​