9. __________The measure of hotness and coldness of an object
10. __________Example of heat transfer
11. __________Instrument used to measure temperature
12. __________Unit of heat
13. __________Is a form of energy
14. __________Thermal energy moves from
15. __________The faster the molecules move
9. __________The measure of hotness and coldness of an object
10. __________Example of heat transfer
11. __________Instrument used to measure temperature
12. __________Unit of heat
13. __________Is a form of energy
14. __________Thermal energy moves from
15. __________The faster the molecules move A. heat

B. Calorie
C. Conduction
D. Temperature
E. Thermometer
F. Hotter the object
G. Colder the object
H. Highest to lowest temperature
I. Lowest to highest temperature