Week 2. Day 2 Activity 2: MATCHING UP Animation History Sports Comedy War Documentary Drama Musical Biography Romance Horror Crime Adventure Science Fiction Western T. Identify what movie genre is being defined. Choose your answer from the word box. 1. These are "make 'em laugh" films designed to elicit laughter from the audience. 2. This movie genre includes cinematic forms that emphasize and showcase full-scale song and dance routines in a significant way. 3. This is a fiction film showing past events or set within a historical period. 4. A genre wherein the plot revolves around the love between two protagonists. This genre usually has a theme that explores an issue within love, including but not limited to: love at first sight, forbidden love, love triangles, and sacrificial love. 5. It is a genre of fiction whose purpose is to create feelings of fear. II. Identify the genres of the following movies. Choose your answers from the word box. MR. BEANS HOLIDAY FROZEN STTIPEN KING'S IT ALEXANDER 1. 2. 3. STAR WARS SOUND OF MUSIC WE WERE SOLDIERS TITANIC 5. 6. 7. 8.