Materials needed:
1 tablespoon of sugar
3 clear glasses
1 table spoon of powdered milk
3 glasses of water
1 tablespoon of sand
1. Label the glasses as mixture A, mixture B and mixture C.
2. For mixture A, mix sugar and water in the glass and let it settle for 2 minutes. For mixture B, mix the sand and water in the glass and let it settle for 2 minutes. For mixture C, mix the sand and water in the glass and let it settle for 2 minutes.
3. Point the flashlight to the glass and describe the appearance of the mixture.
4. Observe and record what happen to the sugar, powdered milk, and sand.
Observation: (Write your answer in your activity notebook.)
1. Describe what happened in each mixtures?
2. Describe each features.
3. What kind of mixture does each mixture have?