how did you solve bussiness related problems during the early years of you're bussiness operation.​

Sagot :


Success doesn’t happen in a straight line or a stair step. When you’ve encountered a problem, it’s best to step back, figure out what’s not working, develop a new strategy, and then execute it.

Years ago, in a previous business, we encountered a time when we lost about 80% of our revenues. After deciding to keep the business open, we needed to look at every aspect of our business, figure out what was working and redesign the rest.

We realized that it was our processes that weren’t working and wreaking havoc with our revenues. Our mantra was blame the process, not the person so we needed to figure them out.

What we did was to hire a business coach who was able to look at the business from an outsider’s perspective and who could see where we’d missed some steps in developing and running our 6 year old business. It didn’t take as much work as you’d think. It was a matter of a few changes and we were off and running again. That next year we had our best year ever and continued having increased revenues year after year until we closed the business for personal reasons.

If you don’t have a business coach, get one. It can be the best investment you’ll ever make