True Or False:
7. Planting fruit- bearing trees is one way of making food available to everyone. 8. Fruit and plantation crops contribute significantly in the nation's economic development. Most trees are not sources of food and medicine.
10. Trees help control flood and soil erosion
11. Fruit- bearing trees like guava guyabano an mango are commonly produced in the Philippines.
12. Sunlight refers to the degree of coldness and hotness of the atmosphere at a certain period of time.
13. Trees are more demand in buying bottled or canned fruits because such are more nutritious than fresh fruits
14. In fruit tree production, select a variety of tree that is not found in your locality.
15. Sunlight is the main energy provider and influences the growth of trees through photosynthesis.
16. Planting trees reduces destruction to homes and ctops by serving as windbreakers during typhoons and storms