1. Wau Kite || Wayang Kulit || Boat Orchid
2. Malaysia || Indonesia || Australia
3. Wau Kite: farmers also used kites as flying scarecrows to frighten off birds in the fields.
Wayang Kulit: Wayang kulit combines deep spiritual meaning, entertaining storytelling, extraordinary musicality.
Boat orchid: it is a craft that makes the surronding beautiful
4. Wau kite is an intricately designed Malaysian moon-kite (normally with floral motifs) that is traditionally flown in the Malaysian state of Kelantan.
Wayang Kulit is traditionally made out of leather.
Orchid Boat is made out of Colored Paper
5. The Designs of Wau Bulan Kite are traced onto a tissue or a paper before being cut out. The piece with the hole in it is then pasted onto the kite. After many such pieces of different colors are applied, intricate patterns emerge. Shiny foil paper is commonly used, to get the vibrant and complex effect.
In WAYANG KULIT, the puppet figures are rear-projected on a taut linen screen with a coconut-oil (or electric) light. The dalang (shadow artist) manipulates carved leather figures between the lamp and the screen to bring the shadows to life.