At 15, Gilda is small and wiry, with a boyish frame and a childlike face. Looking at Gilda, people might mistake her for a 12-yeal-old, but then she opens her mouth and all bets are off. Gilda is bright and studious, a complex thinker who tosses around ideas and concepts as if they are hacky sacks. Gilda doesn’t think about her body size much, preferring the life of the mind. She has expanded her world view beyond the bathroom mirror and is involved in a variety of causes near and dear to her heart, like the environment and animal rescue. In junior school, Gilda was intimidated by being short and petite and hid her light under the bushel. But in senior high school her perspective shifts and centers on learning and getting into a good college so she can pursue her dream of becoming a veterinarian.
1. Despite Gilda’s limitations, can you still safely say that she has a holistic development as an adolescent? Why? Why not?
2. In your case, what aspect of holistic development was not fully developed? How are you making the balance despite this?