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3. phenetics, cladistics, and evolutionary taxonomy, Phenetics is the study of relationships among a group of organisms on the basis of the degree of similarity between them, be that similarity molecular, phenotypic, or anatomical. A tree-like network expressing phenetic relationships is called a phenogram
For example, a wolf and a dog (same genus) look phenetically more alike than do a wolf and a dolphin which are in the same Class. ,
Cladistics describes evolutionary relationships and places organisms into monophyletic groups called clades, each consisting of a single ancestor and all its descendants.
For example, the primates can be considered a clade as they have multiple shared, unique characters they inherited from a common ancestor, and these characters are not present in other groups (or if present, are of markedly different origin). ,
Evolutionary taxonomy, evolutionary systematics or Darwinian classification is a branch of biological classification that seeks to classify organisms using a combination of phylogenetic relationship (shared descent), progenitor-descendant relationship (serial descent), and degree of evolutionary change.
An example of taxonomy is the way living beings are divided up into Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species. An example of taxonomy is the Dewey Decimal system - the way libraries classify non-fiction books by division and subdivisions.