2 Explain how problems in life can make us better persons​

Sagot :

When I think of a question like this I think of the significant obstacles and challenges in my life have actually made me a much better person.

Anytime you face adversity in life it provides challenges that you have to overcome and work through. It has been my experience that every time I was arrogant, stubborn, or flat out resistant, thing rarely ever went my way.

My dad always shared his most favorite phrase for me… “there are two ways of doing things, your way or the RIGHT way”. This was especially true in my life.

I have faced many personal challenges in my life from watching my parents lose everything to the IRS to a divorce to losing a job because I was arrogant and prideful. I have faced personal tragedy in my life and every time I could have been hardened by it, it actually humbled me.

I gave my life to Christ and it changed everything for me. I learned that the men around me were there to help and guide me.

I became a much better father and love my children unconditionally.

In every case where I have faced a personal tragedy or tremendous adversity and difficulties in my life, I have been touched internally where I look at myself in the mirror and take responsibility for my choices.

There is something about life’s humbling wisdom in dealing with adversity.

There is no question that personal challenges will ultimately make you into a better person if and only if you learn from life’s experiences.

The wisest, kindest and selfless people I know are the people who have been humbled by life and are resilient. They chose to be victors, not victims!

I will gladly take personal challenges when they come as they challenge me and sharpen me into the man I am today!