1.) Such type of movement of plate leads to geological process such as underground volcanic eruptions, the formation of basins and valleys, etc. Thirdly, it is a transformation in which plates “move away from each other” in sideways. Such type of movement leads to the “occurrence” of natural disasters such as “Earthquake.”
2.) Deep ocean trenches, volcanoes, island arcs, submarine mountain ranges, and fault lines are examples of features that can form along plate tectonic boundaries. Volcanoes are one kind of feature that forms along convergent plate boundaries, where two tectonic plates collide and one moves beneath the other.
3.) When the leading edge of the plates melts, it turns into a magma which rise up on the surface creating volcanoes. If the edge of Plate A suddenly flicks upward, a large amount of water may be displaced on the surface of the ocean known as tsunami. Convergent boundary is also known as destructive boundary.