How can you express your felling through literature? ​

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Write about experiencing the feelingin third person. This gives yousome distance from the feeling, and maybe even a different perspective.Margarita has been feeling so anxious lately. Jittery. Restless. On edge. Unglued. It’s like her body is pulsing with electricity. It’s just so uncomfortable. Everything becomesanother thingto worry about, to solve, to do…

Write about yourmemories. I came across this tip in a piece on penning memoir in the February 2016 issue ofThe Writer.It’s a prompt from Susan K. Perry, author ofWriting in Flow: Keys to Enhanced Creativity.To explore childhood memories, she suggests we”think in terms of specific emotional high points” and consider these questions: When did I feel most afraid or confused? When did I feel shame? When did I feel most embarrassed, sad, angry? Write one paragraph for each question. Then pick one paragraph, and develop it into a scene.

Give the emotion to a character. That is, write about a character who’s completely different from youbut who’s feelingthe same exact emotion. Describe this character. Describe the emotion. Talk about why they’re feeling this way. Talk about why they have a hard time feeling their feelings. Talk about what they’ll do to cope with it (in a healthy way).