Daedalus and Icarus
Daedalus is a craft man because he invents and builds things. Sadly, King Minos, the king of the island of Crete, is furious, so he will high tail it from there. Daedalus, eager to leave the island, is using wax to build some wings for himself and his son Icarus. Daedalus advises his son to fly at middle height: the wings are dampened by the seawater and they are burned by the light. Icarus listens for a while to his father's suggestions, but then he becomes cocky. He has so much fun flying that he is forgetting the alarm and flying too close to the sun. Of course, his wings are melting, and Icarus is plumming into the sea, drowning. It was a sad day because his son died but he continues. He flies on to Sicily, grieving for Icarus and constructing a temple in memory of the god Apollo.
For Icarus don't let everything just for fun way of leading him to death because he ignored his father's directions about on how to fly using the wings he had invented. He became a great inventor to build things which made him do a lot of things without careful consideration of his benefit and drawbacks, which often put him in trouble.
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