Learning Topic Performance Task 4: Skills in Layouting and Photo Editing Using New Technologies (Hardware and Software) in Making a Poster Bering Developing Rubies low Act No. 2 Aaronne Procent (5) (4) Proficiency Can y can apply design sements (shapes and colors) and penople emphas) with Lorski dengn elements shaces and colors and prinople emphasis shapes and colors) and paraple emphasis) but had some fol can show Signs of design elements (shapes and shapes and colors) and principle penciple (emphases emphas) the root with great se can show Can show excellent great attention attention to to detail the detail the ideasi deas motenals: materiais methods are methods are highly highly effective eflective Can Barely show magination in the posters Creativity Can show good affention to detail imaginative touches are scattered throughout the posters magination in some parts of the posters Totat:​