Directions: Read the selections that follow and identify the grammatical signals used. Note the example. Write the correct answer on a sheet of bondpaper.
Example: A computer is often called a "thinking machine," and in many ways it is just that. Computers perform difficult and timesaving mathematical computations, as well as problems in logic and reasoning. In addition, computers run other machines and answer questions. Also, they are used to guide astronauts on takeoff.
1. Despite favorable surface conditions, there were throughout the 1920's defects in the American economy. First, some major industries did not experience the general prosperity which characterized most of the economy. Meager farms income meant that farmers lacked purchasing power to buy their share of the increasing output of goods and services. Coal, textiles, and shoes were among other industries which suffered from low profit margins. Moreover, while employment rose during the 1920s, the biggest gains were in the low-paid service trades rather than in those industries where earnings were high. Furthermore, the condition of American foreign trade was not as healthy as it appeared. (3 signal words)
2. Here are ways to take some of the danger out of smoking. First of all, choose a cigarette with less tar and nicotine. The difference between brands (including those with filters) can be as much as two to one, even more. See how much you can reduce your tar and nicotine intake by switching. Also, don't smoke your cigarette all the way down. You get the most tar and nicotine from the last few puffs because the tobacco itself acts as a filter. Smoke halfway and you get only about 40 percent of the total tar and nicotine. The last half of the cigarette will give you 60 percent. Another help is to take fewer draws on each cigarette. Just reduce the number of times you puff on each cigarette and you'll cut down on your smoking without really missing it. In addition, you should reduce your inhaling. Remember, you're not standing on mountain gulping in fresh air; so, don't welcome it with open lungs. Don't inhale as deeply; take short shallow drags. Practice on a big cigar. Finally, you should smoke fewer cigarettes each day. For some people this is easy, but for others it may be the most difficult step of all. Don't think of it as cutting down; think of it as postponing. It's always easier to postpone a cigarette if you know you'll be having one later. Carry your cigarettes in a different pocket; at work, keep them in a desk drawer or a locker - any place where you can't reach for one auto The trick is to change your habit patterns. (5 signal words)