C. The wind moves violently.
10. How does the wind move during fair weather?
A. The wind moves gently
B. The wind blows hard.
D. Strong wind
11. How does air temperature affect the weather condition?
A. High temperature makes the weather warm.
B. Low temperature makes the weather hot
C. Low temperature indicates fair weather.
D. All of the above
12. What instrument measures the speed of the wind?
A. barometer
C. thermometer
B. anemometer
D. All of the above
13 Which of the following instrument determines the direction from which the wind
is blowing?
A weather
C. barorneter
B. thermometer
D. wind vane
14.It refers to how fast the wind blows. It is usually expressed in kilometer per
A. Wind Speed
C. Sky Condition
B. Wind Direction
D. Weather Condition
15.It describes the average fraction of the sky covered by cloud.
A. Air Condition
C. Sky Condition
B. Wind Condition
D. Speed Condition​