What I Can Do

Directions: Read the following passages and complete the sentences that follow.

A.My annoying brother likes to drive me crazy. There is no other who is that lazy. He whines to Mom and Dad night and day. Until he eventually gets his way. What is a sister to do when he screams 'til he's blue? There is no way to win, for he gets under your skin. He does his best to kill all joy. Oh, how my brother does annoy!

1. The TONE of the passage is_________

2. The author's________ relay the tone.

B. We're contacting you today to let you know about the Special Olympics annual fund drive. You've been kind enough to support us generously in the past, and we'd like to ask for your help again, as we send our athletes with special needs to compete at the national level. Please fill out the form below and return it in the enclosed envelope with your donation. It will make a child's day if you do .

1. The TONE of the passage is________

2. The author's_________ relay the tone

C. The door swings open to reveal a Christmas tree, alone in the middle of the room, sparkling with hundreds of lights. Silence greets me as I glance around the room. The fireplace is empty and the snow storm howls outside the window. My family has gone, and I am left alone with my thoughts.

3. The MOOD of the passage is_______

4. The_________ relays the MOOD​