write the information in a few words

Sagot :


How can I learn to explain a lot of information in few words?

This is a hard question! How to present material (sometimes quite complex material) in an easy-to-grasp, easy-to-digest way is one of the great challenges facing anyone who needs to express and explain their ideas. I'm only answering this question because I still haven't figured it out!

There is no end to the number of approaches available. Some possibilities:

* Try to keep your expression simple. (Unless you want to blind people with science, never a good idea.)

* Use good examples and analogies to illustrate your points.

* Use illustrations, animations, and graphs to illustrate your points.

* Make it personal and engaging. Make it into story. (Sophie's World is an example -- although not necessarily a good one, depending on your point of view.)

* Try to present it from the point of view of the average person. That is, fit your talk to your audience.

* Try not to be too comprehensive -- use a single thread or theme to link your talk together.

* If you must discuss complex issues that can't be explained simplistically, try to treat your topic as a gradual "unfolding", whether conceptually or historically.

* To make sure that people are keeping up, be sure to present a synopsis of your ideas at each juncture.