D.Directions:write the mathematical sentence then solve fo the answers.

A.If the temperature in the morning is 27.5°C and became 32.5°C at 12:00 in the afternoon, what was the average Temperature?

Mathematical Sentence:

B.Harley's Temperature this morning was 38.9°C. After 2 hours, his temperature became 37.2°C. Did he get better or worse? How many degrees is the drop in his temperature?

Mathemathical Sentence:

C.Inside an air conditioned room, The Temperature is 18°C After turning it off for 1 hour, The temparature changes to 28.4°C, How many °C is the temparature difference?

Mathematical Sentence:____________

D.Carl is not feeling well after playing, so his mother used a thermometer, the temperature, the thermometer read is 38.5°C, How many degrees(in celcius)is his temparature higher that the normal body temperature?

Mathematical sentence:__________

E.The temperature on three different days were 26.6°C, 28.2°C and 29.2°C what was the average?

Mathematical sentence:_______