______20. It is the best paper for label. A. Sticker B. Photo Paper C. Bond Paper D. Oslo Paper ______21. It is the publication format that is best as an email attachment. A. HTML B. PUB C. JPEG D. PDF ______22. It means to view the publication before printing. A. Preview B. Print C. Open D. Export ______23. The _____________ feature can help you view the printed page flips. A. Print Ruler B. Print Margin C. Preview D. Backlight Feature ______24. This is the best paper type when printing a picture. A. Photo Paper B. Sticker C. Bond Paper D. Parchment Paper ______25. This should be of the same size as the publication layout. A. Paper Type B. Print Margin C. Test Page D. Paper Size ______26. It is the publication format that is best for online publishing. A. HTML B. PDF C. DOC D. CSS