Pa sagot po Thank youuu!

1. The Philippines is not just suffering with poverty but also the shelter and the pollution itself. The picture shows a community living beside a river.
2. I feel bad for those people who live in that place. Not literally bad but I pity them for living in that area instead of having a good and clean shelter to live in.
3. Thinking about how the governments of the Philippines manages its people, I think they're not that quite responsible for this. In other countries, the government supports each child. But here in the Philippines,the child will only be supported if you're indigenous or part of a program.
4. If they are that kind hearted to donate safety areas poor people can live in, it will be the best contribution of the government to the people who's suffering both poverty and shelter.
Carry on learning!
1. What the picture tells me that the houses and roads are dirty and messy, full of garbage and flooded.
2. The first thing that came to my mind when I saw the picture was that it was so dirty.
3. No because the community seems to have been neglected in its excessive filth.
4. All they have to do is clean up the environment and clean it better so that the people who live there don’t get any sickness and it will doesn’t stink and look dirty.
Hope it helps!
*My own Answer Btw*