_7. These are injuries that are not caused on purpose or with intention to harm yourself or others.
A. unintentional injury
B. intentional injury
C. suicide
D. para suicide
8. It is a suicidal attempt in which a person does not intend to die.
A. suicide
B. para suicide
C. self-inflected
D. assault
9. It is the intention to take one's own life. A. unintentional injury
B. intentional injury
C. suicide
D. para suicide
10. These are injuries resulting from purposeful human action, whether directed at oneself or others.
A. unintentional injury
B. intentional injury
C. suicide
D. para suicide ll - Give Me!

DIRECTIONS: Define the given different types of intentional injuries below; use your own understanding in defining them.
1. Extortion
2. Domestic Violence
3. Sexual Abuse
4. Kidnapping
5. Verbal Abuse​