Rubric for Drama Presentation Awesome 20 pts Name of Presenterls: Poor 5 pts Good 15 pts Fair 10 pts AREAS Score Awesome Good Poor Fair Script -poor writing -writing is fair written written-well nicely -not very creative - some aspects are -creative extremely creative no attempt has been and creative and suspense -suspense made to add -some tension are built up attempts tension are built up in suspense and clover a very were made to add well tension manner suspense and tension Awesome Fair Good group was on task had much group -group was 100% of the time difficulty staying on sometimes on during work sessions tesk during work task during work sessions sessions Awesome Poor Fair Good Poor -group was consistently on task during work sessions Use of Class Time -students are not -students committed to their sometimes roles character -the audience does throughout not believe in the scenes - characters sometimes actors believable are students stay in -students have character throughout actually "become" in the scenes and have the roles they are the made a strong playing commitment to their -actors are 100% the roles believable in their are actors believable are roles Role Play Awesome Good Fair Poor -Many props and costumes were included to add to the sense of drama at all times -Some props and Props and costumes costumes were were used effectively used to add to the to add to the sense of sense of drama drama Minimal props and costumes were used to add to the sense of drama Props/Costu ming Awesome -Outstanding Dramatic Performance Good -Very Good Dramatic Performance Fair Poor -Dramatic Performance Needs More Work -Satisfactory Dramatic Performance 145 points Overall Dramatic Overall Score: Fffect Date: