SUMMATIVE GESG IN ARIS 9 ART EDUCATION 1. if your toacher asked you to draw Menhir, Dolmen and Chromlech, what particular era or porlod ww york classify them? A Byzantine B. Romanesque C. Pre-historic D Egyptian 2. What is the correct procedure in making a stained glass bottle candle holder? Arrange the following procedures 1. Color your design using acrylic paint. 2. Trace your design outside the bottle using a marker. 3. Place the tee light candle inside the bottle and light it so you can see the stained glass effect 4. After coloring your design, apply a glaze composed of white glue diluted in water. 5. Choose a design for stained glass bottle candle holder. A. 3,2,5,4,1 B. 1,2,3,4,5 C. 5,4,3,2,1 D. 4,1,2,5,3 3. Why did Egyptians make Pyramids of Giza pointed directly towards the sky? A. In order for them to make it easler to reach the sky and stars B. So that it can be seen miles away and Egypt will become famous to the whole world C. Because they were ordered by their Pharaohs to make it unique to all the edifices in the world D. Because they do belleve that their gods will protect them and there's a life after death 4. How does Venus of Willendorf differ from Venus of Brassemipouy? A. Venus of Brassempouy serves as a lucky charm for fertility while Venus of Willendorf serves as a symbol of women in France B. Venus of Willencort serves as a lucky charm for fertility while Venus of Brassempouy serves as a symbol of women in France C. Venus of Willendorf was carved out of wood and Venus of Brassempouy was carved out of rock D. Al of the above 5-7. Wino is the arust or me following visual arts? Choose the answer below.​