How will preserve the Manobo culture?​

Sagot :


how to preserve manobi culture


The strategies done by Manobo tribe to preserve their cul- ture are the


Oral tradition. Long before, the greatest asset of human

societies was its tradition and culture by which it was able to

maintain a continuity of its existence across multiple genera- tions. The knowledge of these was preserved and passed on from one generation to the next by way of mouth, in informal settings, a process often known as oral traditions. According

to Hooper (2002), oral tradition is a virtual depository and reservoir of all knowledge and memories. They includes all forms of descriptions, facts, wisdom, and stories about them- selves, their ancestors, near and far lands and the world around.

The Agusan Manobo has the following Oral traditions: Myths: They said that the ocean water go in and out of the

pusod dagat, the navel of the sea, which is an enormous hole near the edge of the earth. This is what causes the high and low tides.

The rainbow appears when the umli (celestial god) are at war. Dark color indicates slaughter on the devine battlefield; predominantly red band indicates that the war gods are en- gaged in a hand-to-hand combat.

Thunder and lightning occur when the god Anit is an- gered by people’s derisive behavior towards wild animals. The lightning is his tongue, which he flecks at the culprit.

When an eclipse occurs they say that a giant tarantula is devouring the moon. Much commotion then ensues because the men try to drive the tarantula away by rushing out of their houses, shooting arrows at the spider, beating tin cans and tree trunks, playing their bamboo instruments while dancing frenziedly and shouting at the spider. The women stick nee- dles in the wall of the house in the direction of the moon.

Legends. Montilla-Burton (1985) cited from Agusan Manobo, the legendary giant because of his extraordinary strength as Dubau, who when he journeyed up the Agusan River on a bamboo raft, had to warn the people to protect their rice fields from the mighty waves that he would cause. He used the trunk of a palma brava tree for a pole. His equally strong sister could throw bunch of bananas to him on the next hill.

Moreover, there was a legend that explains the origin of the stars, sunset and sunrise. The Sun and the Moon were once happily married and they had two children. One day while the children were napping, the Moon decided to go out to gather food. She bade her husband to keep away from the children as he would singe them with his intense heat. While she was gone, the Sun, in his fondness for the children, kissed them and they melted. When the Moon came home, she scold- ed him so that he finally threw taro leaves in her face and left. He soon softened, but when he came back, the Moon was.

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