Face-to-face learning is an instructional method where course content and learning material are taught in person to a group of students. This allows for a live interaction between a learner and an instructor. Learners benefit from a greater level of interaction with their fellow students as well.
The Advantages of Face to Face Learning in the Classroom is that you'll be able to concentrate harder on your learning because there'll be less distraction than if you were at home. You may feel more comfortable and learn more easily in a familiar, traditional classroom situation.
I believe that Face to Face learning is better than online learning because students have access to various learning resources on campus verses off. Face to face allows students to have instant gratification with answers and help. When a student is in class they can ask questions while it is fresh on their mind or help with a particular problem. If the student was at home online they would have to wait for the instructor to email them back. Is that really more conducive to a person’s education and learning?
Face to face students also gain from socialization with peers and interaction with teachers.