Directions: Describe the method of heat transfer (Conduction, Convection or Radiation) for each situation.
1. A metal spoon gets warm when it is used to stir hot soup.
2. The sun's rays take about 8 minutes to reach Earth's atmosphere. Which process describes the thermal ener- gy transfer between the sun and Earth?
3. When the temperature outside rises, the temperature of the air in the house rises as well.
4. Jay walks on the hot sand on a beach.
5. A girl's hands become warm after holding a mug of hot coffee. What process explains this?
6. Chris has to build a fire to keep the campers warm. The heat transfer from the fire keeps the campers warm due to
7. Bunsen burner is heating a beaker of water. Which pro- cess is primarily responsible for the transfer of heat?
8. In the water cycle, sunlight causes water to evaporate, rise to form clouds, fall as precipitation, flow into a body of water, and begin the cycle again. What type of energy transfer is occurring as the evaporated water rises?
9. Chocolate candy is melting in Janna's hand.
10. The people's feet in an ocean feel cold in the water, but their arms are warm. Why is this?​