I'm an old fisherman now not as young as, I was in my young days! fished for days and days and brought, home a catch to feed. My family had a family then a wife and three, wonderful daughters many days. I had enough fish left over to sell and make some money to pay for my daughter's education but. One by one my daughters, left to go to the city. and marry: they made great lives. For themselves in the city, my wife and I lived on. Until she died, last year now I am alone. And its very hard for me. To live day by day. I, always try. To remember the old days the happy, days the days, when we were. Together. Im alone now and I cant fish anymore, I don't have the strength. No one, in the village, is left, who is able to fish like, we used to do it's a sad, time for us and when we are gone. No one will, take our place: