13. The wind will flow from the higher pressure over the water to lower pressure over the land ________.
A. sea breeze
B. Land breeze
C. Mountain breeze
D. Rock breeze
14. The wind moves from the land to the ocean, creating.
A. Sea breeze
B. Land breeze
C. Rock breeze
D. Mountain breeze
15. Which is TRUE about land breeze and sea breeze?
A. land warms up faster than water
B. Water warms up faster than land
C. Both land and water warms up at the same rate condition's.
D. Rate of warming varies, depending on the weather
16. It is the seasonal winds caused by differences in temperature and pressure between oceans and continents due to seasonal change.
A. Winds
B. Monsoons
C. Weather
D. Climate
17. Which of the following is described by a mass of cold air that usually brings fair weather?
A. Low pressure area
B. Amihan
C. High pressure area
D. Habagat
18. What do we mean by PAGASA?
A. Philippines Atmospheric, Geographical, and Astronomical Services Administration.
B. Philippines Atronomical, Geographical, and Astronomical Services Administration.
C. Philippines Atmospheric, Geographical, and Astronomical Services Administration.
D. Philippines Atmospheric, Geographical, and Astronomical Services Association.
19. The time when sunlight shines equally on the northern and southern hemispheres.
A. Equinox
B. Solstice
C. Seasons
D. March
20. Earth's season are caused by which of the following?
A. The varying amount of sunspot activity
B. The rotation of the earth during a 24-hours day
C. The The Earth's orbit about the sun as a ellipse rather than circle
D. The tilt of the earths axis rotation relative to the path as earth revolves around the sun. ​