Verbiage, verbalism yes,
o great modern noises,
cartagena always waiting for the hungry pirates,
a breeze dances.
Labyrinths passages,
make a ball with the last box of cigarettes,
under the moon so far miles,
sacred groves of candles.
I also am not the father and the boy who rises,
cassock and sleeves as frost thistles,
i accept without the usual jokes,
naked with clothes and shoes.
Rainbows will color their robes,
o ring of the seas do not suffer when he leaves,
man and woman, and only one winning: the species,
a community of thinking creatures.
Naked as nurseries,
takes care of small expenses.
cease to belong to the number of slaves.
Passions and misfortunes,
each country has the Nobel Prize deserves,
rain undresses,
i associate with forgotten shame and majesty tapestries.
Of a secular roses,
dame, though horrified Gypsies.