Activity I: Mark Me!
Directions: Put a () mark inside the box if the statement is correct and an (X) mark if the statement is not correct
I. RA 10643: Graphic Health Warnings Law- requires graphic health warnings on 50 percent or more on each of the principal display areas of the packaging.
2. RA 105866: Anti-Drunk and Drugged Driving Act of 2003- This gives law enforcement officials the authority to conduct sobriety and breath alcohol tests on drivers.
3. RA 9211: Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003- This regulates smoking in public places, sales to minors, packaging and labeling of tobacco products, and tobacco advertising, promotion
and sponsorship. 4. On September 4, 2007, the Philippines became a party to the WHO Framework Convention
on Tobacco Control
Local government and nongovernmental organizations strict compliance with RA 9211 Campaign posters and advertisements are posted in strategic places in the community,