1. Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is the perceived loudness of the speaker.
2. It is the speed of speaking in words per minute from slow to fast, with normal rate averaging
about 125 words per minute.
3. It is the auditory attribute of sound ordered on a scale from low to high.
4. This may refer to a rest or temporary stop and it is an interval of silence and may vary in length.
5. This means generating intensity in your voice, making it commanding.
6. It means placing some stress or focus on the keywords or syllables in order to provide contrast to
your words and to bring out their desired meaning.
7. It means the ups and downs of words. It links meaning and feeling with your words.
8. It the most popular type of speech, with limited preparation and guided by notes or outline.
9. This type of is speech is without advanced preparation or unrehearsed speech.
10. Planned and rehearsed speech or reading aloud a written message.
11. Reciting a written message word -for-word from memory.
12. Focuses on making individual sounds.
13. Focuses on stress, rhythm, and intonation of the syllables in the word.
14. It means a change in volume, timing or pitch.
15. It is the most important ingredient of public speaking as a well-written speech.​