if glossopteris fossils were found in antarctica, what was the climate of this continent before ?

Sagot :

Glossopteris, is the common genus of an extinct seed-bearing flowerless plants generally called as Glossopteridales. The genus name means tongue fern, due to the general appearance of its leaves.

Unfortunately, no one knows the exact look of this species. Some said it looks like a type of bush or shrub, but it is deciduous. It was said to have grew in warm or temperate climate with middle to high latitudes where deciduous plants grew today. It corroborates paleoclimate data, placing Antarctica in a sub-tropical climate zone during the Permian.

Fossilized forest stands of this now extinct tree have been found in northeastern part of Antarctica. The Glossopteris fossils is one of the important evidence for distribution of continental plates in Permian period that ended 250 million years ago.

To know more about the temperature of Antarctica during the Glossopteris, check out the link:


To tell the position of the continents because of Glossopteris, refer to this link:


To know more about the Permian-Triassic Extinction, use this reference link:
