A proxy server is a 3rd party application that bridges between the user and the Internet.
Normally, when we use Internet, we just connect to the WiFi or LAN directly and just open the browser and type a certain URL. It is a slightly different approach upon using a proxy server. It goes like this: You open the browser, connect to your WiFi and Loan, open a proxy website or application, before you browse the internet. Proxy server hides your computer information from the Internet world. (Like your IP address, computer name, ISPs etc) This is for security purposes. Other servers can detect these information and this might compromise your online security. Instead of using your computer's details, you will use the proxy server's information to communicate with other computers in the internet. You can see the workflow below:
Your computer - Proxy Server - Internet server
Internet server - Proxy Server - Your computer
For more information about server computer, see these links below: