Sagot :
Abortion is very common, and people have abortions for many different reasons. Only you know what’s best for you, but good information and support can really help you make the decision that is best for your own health and well-being.
Sometimes, the decision is simple. Other times, it’s complicated. But either way, the decision to have an abortion is personal, and you’re the only one who can make it.
Everyone has their own unique and valid reasons for having an abortion. Some of the many different reasons people decide to end a pregnancy include:
They want to be the best parent possible to the kids they already have.
They’re not ready to be a parent yet.
It’s not a good time in their life to have a baby.
They want to finish school, focus on work, or achieve other goals before having a baby.
They’re not in a relationship with someone they want to have a baby with.
They’re in an abusive relationship or were sexually assaulted.
The pregnancy is dangerous or bad for their health.
The fetus won’t survive the pregnancy or will suffer after birth.
They just don’t want to be a parent.
Deciding to have an abortion doesn’t mean you don’t want or love children. In fact, 6 out of 10 people who get abortions already have kids — and many of them decide to end their pregnancies so they can focus on the children they already have. And people who aren’t already parents when they get an abortion often go on to have a baby later, when they feel they are in a better position to be a good parent. The bottom line is, deciding if and when to have a baby is very personal, and only you know what’s best for you and your family.
for planned parenthood provides primarily healthcare services that are essential for the parents. abortion, on the other hand, gives light to those parents who are not yet ready to have a child. you may say that abortion is basically murder but can you really stand seeing a kid suffer just because of poverty? or because of their parents who claimed that they didn't want the kid in the first place? or because of the trauma their mother experienced? always remember that not everyone have the same situation. if they want abortion then all you have to do is to respect that no matter what the reason is for it should be clear that they aren't ready to be a parent/s yet.