7.They are believed to be the first people to dance a.Egyptians c. Romans b. Greeks d. Pagans 8.They are said to be the lead dancers acted as physicians and religious leaders in Period a.Greeks c. Romans b. Shamans d. Pagans
9.In this civilization, dance was primarily performed for religious, social and enterta a.Ancient Egypt c. Ancient Greece b. Ancient Crete d. Ancient Rome 10. The percentage of body weight that is made up of fats, such as bones and muscles a.Body Composition c. Power b. Muscular Strength d. Agility 11.dance was used as away of expression and reinforcing tribal unity and strength. a. Prehistoric Period b. ancient Civilization c. middle ages & renaissance 12.Dance style has taken a turn towards more hip-hop dances. a. Prehistoric period b. Ancient Civilization c. Middle Ages & Renaissance d. Modern Period