Identify the claims of value manifested in each of the following excerpts.
1. Over the past decade, online education has emerged as an innovative teaching and learning method. Countless research devoted to the benefits of online education suggests that online learning is as good as face-to-face classroom learning
2. Online learning is not new. What is new is that schools are embracing it as vital to how the next generation of learners are taught.
As governments ease out of lockdowns, we will begin to see schools adopting
the blended learning approach. The conscious and careful blending of face-toface instruction and online methods can draw the best of both worlds and create
the best teaching and learning experience.
The biggest challenge for schools transitioning to online learning is the
widening inequality of access to and usage of information and communications
technology (ICT).
The COVID-19 crisis presents an opportunity for the education sector to
come together, forge connections and share what works. We may have not
seen this before the crisis, but we are missing a greater opportunity if we