What can you do to prepare your self for unpredictable earthquake?
If there we're an unpredictable earthquake,
I wouldn't panic, cry, be scared, or hesitate to where to go because a situation like this is practiced in schools, community, or your house. In an earthquake I always prepare myself, because we all need to be cautious. So I do the following, if there was an earthquake with a high intesity which can led to structure collapsing, I wouldn't panic and find a wooden table or a pole to stay there on. The pole is for balancing myself and the wooden table so my head wouldn't get hit by light objects that will fall. After I would take any stairs and go down while covering my head while running slowly. Then stay at another table or pole until the earthquake stopped. Of course an unpredictable eaethquake can happen in schools, buildings, or halls so I am always cautious.