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planes are illustrated below.
Figure 4: The vernal equinox from two perspectives.
One half of this line is called the vernal equinox; the other half is called the autumnal equinox. At two points in the earth’s orbit this line intersects the sun. These two places mark the start of two of the four seasons, autumn or spring. The autumnal equinox starts autumn around September 23. From earth, this marks the time when the sun looks as if it is crossing the plane of the equator on its way south. The vernal equinox starts spring around March 21. This marks the time when the sun looks as if it is crossing the plane of the equator on its way north. The earth carries the plane of the equator along with it. When the sun looks as if it is on its way north or south, the earth is actually carrying the equatorial plane along so that it crosses the sun.
Perpendicular to this line of equinoxes is a line which contains the solstices. The solstices are points on the ecliptic which start the other two seasons, summer and winter, when they cross the sun. The summer solstice is one half of this line, the winter solstice is the other half of this line. The half of this line that is north of the celestial equator is the summer solstice, the half that is south of the celestial equator is the winter solstice. Currently, the winter solstice starts winter for the northern hemisphere at about the time the earth is closest to the sun. This line is illustrated in the following example.
Figure 5: The summer and winter solstices.
Because of centrifugal force involved when an object spins, the earth is not a perfect sphere, but is somewhat flattened at the poles and bulges out at the equator. The distance from any point on the equator to the center of the earth is longer th