26.-3,4,-5, -4,3, -1,6 b. -5 d.4 27.9, 1, 6, 8,3,2,2,4, 1,5 b. 4 d.4 28. 20, 25, 35, 30, 25, 20, 40, 20, 15 b.20 C.40 d.15 29. 96, 63, 70, 76, 39, 82, 95, 88 a. 79 b. 82 C. 63 d.96 30. 750, 680, 728, 800, 615,850 a. 739 b. 800 C. 680 d.750 31. What is the Q1 in the set 44, 21, 59, 64, 74, 57, 69, 38, 40, 27, an a. 27 b. 38 C. 40 d. 44 32. Find the median in the set of scores: 121, 112, 102, 108, 106, 11 a. 106 b. 108 C. 110 d. 116 33. The interquartile range of the set of scores 111, 102, 92, 98, 9 a. 6 b. 15 c. 198 d. 199 34. In the set 13, 11, 10, 12, 14,9, 11, 8, 11, 7, and 10 the upper a. 11 b. 12 c. 13 d. 14 35. Using Linear Interpolation, what is the position of the third a a. 6th b. 7th d. 9th 36. Deciles are the score points that divide the distribution into a. two b. four c. ten d. hundred 37. Which is equivalent to the fifth decile? a. median b. first quartile c. third quartile 38. Find D2 in the given set of data: 7, 10, 11, 15, 18, 21, 25, 29 b. 10 c. 11 d. 15 39. The following are the scores of 15 students in science qu 27, 28 and 29. Find the seventh decile. 9. 25 b. 25.2 c. 25.4 d. 25.6 40. The weight (in kg) of 19 grade 10 students are as follows 55, 56, 57, 63, 65, 70. Find the 8th decile. 56 b. 57 C. 63 d. 65 C. 8th a. 7