Directions: Identify the method used in using washing machine to the following situations. Choose your answer from the choices. Write your answer on your paper
a. Add the right kind of washing thuid and ciose the door
b. Know what water tenperature to select
c. Read the care tag on your clothes
d. Know what size to select
e. Separate light and dark colored clothes
f. Know what washing cycle to select
1. Any clothes that are white, cream, or a light, pale pastel, color, should go in the white's pile, while other colored clothes should go in the dark pile.
2. When in doubt about how to wash an items, check the clothes description
3. Use hot water for light colors, particularly light colors that are specially dirty
4. If your clothes fill up one-third of the machine, you should select smail.
5. You can either add your clothes or pour the right washing fluid on them.