millions of years ago, the land masses in each picture were once connected. What do you think is happening to the earth's crust in those pictures?

Sagot :

In science 10 unit 1 module 1 activity 4, the title of the activity is Going Separate ways. Going Separates Ways talk about the plates that are moving away from each other. When plates are moving away  from each other, the type of boundary created is Divergent Boundary. So activity 4 is all about Divergent boundary, its mechanism and the formation geological features with this type of plate boundary. This activity presented 4 pictures in which all picture shows a fissure or cracks between two land masses. The cracks and fissure between two land masses in the picture continue to widen as time pass by since two land masses are going separate ways.

Here is question Q29. presented in the activity

Q29. Millions of years ago, the land masses in each picture were once connected. What do you think is happening to the earth's crust in those pictures?


The land masses are moving away from each other creating fissures and cracks on the surface and eventually the two land masses will divided by ocean water.

Divergent Boundary

Occurs between plates that are moving apart and new crust is created by magma pushing up from the mantle.

To know more about divergent boundary, kindly visit the link:

Here are the list of Geological features present in divergent boundary

  1. Rift valleys
  2. Mid-ocean ridge
  3. Volcanoes
  4. Earthquake

Rift valleys

Occurs on diverging continental plates.

Mid-ocean ridge

Occurs on diverging oceanic plate. The other name of it is underwater mountain ranges. You can find relatively young rocks in this area. Seafloor spreading also can be observed in this area which provide valid evidence for continental drift theory.


Are formed along convergent boundaries wherein when two plates collide, denser plate will subduct beneath the other and move towards the mantle. When the subducted plate reaches the mantle, it melts and turns into a magma which rise up on the surface creating Volcanoes. Some volcanoes are formed on divergent boundary particularly on the mid-Atlantic ridge. Some Volcanoes are formed over the hot spot like the Volcanoes on the Hawaiian Islands.


As the plates are moving away from each other, it produces earthquake but not strong like earthquake produce in convergent boundaries.

When a continent started to break apart and move away from each other, the crust may  break into several segments. The breaking leads to the formation of down  faulted valleys called rift valleys. In the middle of the boundary, magma also rises on the surface as the lithosphere melted below. When this magma cools down, it would result to the formation of new plate.

The rift valley widen its length and depth as the spreading continues.  Because of this phenomena, the valley develops into a linear sea, the same to the Red Sea today

Here are some list of rift valley formed in the world

  • Rhine Rift Valley
  • Baikal Rift Valley
  • Red Sea
  • Rio Grande Rift

Divergent boundary are also known as constructive boundary. Seafloor spreading occur in divergent boundary which created a new crust. today, the distance between Africa and America widen due to the presence of mid-atlantic ridge between them. Mid-atlantic ridge is an indicator of divergent plate boundary, new seafloor are created new this area which widen the distance between the two continents.

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