I Put a ✔️ on the blank in the statement is a good suggestion on how will you make a stand one
specic issue or topic and put an ❌if not
1 Think about the positive and negative effect then explain
2. If you are in favor of the topic, explain and give your reason
3. Don't mind others. Shout at the top of your lungs if you have to
4 Don't make it personal, when you are criticizing or disagreeing, "focus on the tem o
issue at hand, not the person".
Show respect at all times,
6. Weigh carefully before making your stand,
7. No need to give your explanations if you are in favor or not
8. in life, there will be times when you must take a stand, and the
When you will
weigh the good and the bad in either case, when you go ab
you can make your point while maximizing the chance of
maintaining respect
no and​