TRUE OR FALSE 1.When mechanical work is done on the system, its temperature drops. 2. When mechanical work is done on the system, its internal energy increases. 3. When heat is added to a system, its internal energy always increases. 4. Heat always flow from hot place to cold place. 5. The first law of thermodynamics is a restatement of the law of conservation of energy. 6. Mechanical energy is needed to transfer heat from a cold object to a warmer one. 7. The study of heat and its transformation to work or mechanical energy is called thermodynamics. 8. An air conditioning unit is a heat pump used for home heating and cooling. 9. When heat flows from lower temperature to higher temperature, it needs mechanical work to happen. It is called spontaneous process 10. a heat hump is a device that allow heat to transfer from a cold reservoir to a warmer one which cannot happen spontaneous or on its own