Directions: If the statement is correct write TRUE and if it is false, change the underlined word to

make the statement correct. Write your answer on the space provided.

1. The Greeks observed that when the ship sailed, the hull disappeared first, which implied that the surface of Earth was flat.
2. In the experiment conducted by Eratosthenes, he found out that in

Alexandria, the sun makes an angle of 7.2° from the vertical while 0° in

3. The ancient Greek astronomer Erastosthenes was famous for the size of

the Earth. T

4. According to Phytagoras experiment, due to Earth’s curvature, parallel rays

from the sun strike Earth’s surface at different angles.
5. In Eratosthene’s experiment, a pole casting a shadow indicates that the sun

is directly overhead.
6. The apparent yearly movement of the stars as observed from Earth as a

direct effect of the Earth’s revolution around the sun is called diurnal motion.
7. Precession of the equinoxes happens about every 260 000 years.
8. An eclipse occur when one space object moves into the shadow of another.
9. Solar eclipse happens during full moon.
10. The image shown below is a waning crescent moon.

11. The branch of physical science dealing with heavenly bodies is called

12. Babylonian and Egyptiam civilizations used a primitive version of sundial

called gnocchi, in systematically observing the motion of the sun.
13. As one of his three axioms of planetary motion, Tycho Brahe demonstrated

that the planets move in elliptical orbits around the sun.
14. Planets and other members of the solar system follow a straight path.
15. In Kepler’s law of equal areas, the planet’s orbital period and the planet’s

average distance from the sun are comp​