Quarantine is tough so we stay at home
School had always had it importance and with the stay at home order in place, most students think that they are over but for me I am still really stressed out about school. Finals have been even more stressful for me as it. Finals for us have been even harder as all of our teacher think we are going to cheat so we are getting projects for our finals. From my parents seeing me only in my room to my friends and I ranting about every teacher we have. School was always going to be annoying for us. But I still have to focus even with my classes being pass, fail due to the stay at home order. School was going to have to continue at home and students were now going to have to be in awkward zoom calls with their teachers. For me, projects have been crazy as they are all online and we have to keep everything in a certain way. School though has it’s up with finding out my history teacher is incredibly addicted to animal crossing, mobile legend and others