ta check (/) before the statements below that describe a wheel and axle; and (x) if it's not.
1. It is a large wheel with a long cylinder connected at the center of it.
2. When the wheel is spun, the cylinder spins with it.
3.It's a basically an inclined plane wrapped around a cylindrical body.
4. It is a machine used to help make lifting objects easier.
5. If a rope is attached, it will roll it around the cylinder, raising or lowering the end of the
rope and anything attached to it.
6. When the axle turns the wheel, the machine gains speed and distance.
7. There is a lot of friction between the wood and the screw's thread.
8. An example of this is a spiral staircase.
9. An example of this is a door knob.
10. It uses a wheel with a rod to help it lift or move loads.